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6B Unit5 The seasons( PartA)
发布时间:2011-10-10   点击:   来源:本站原创   作者:吴敏


6B Unit5 The seasons( PartA)
武进区芙蓉小学   吴敏
随着经济文化全球化的发展,国际交流日益频繁, 环境遭到了巨大的破坏,我们也遭到了她巨大的报复:沙漠蔓延、森林锐减、水源污染、酸雨肆虐、垃圾成灾、温室效应加剧、珍稀动物濒临灭绝……环境问题凸显为时代普遍关注的热点,保护生态环境、保持生态平衡已成为人类文明的必然选择。面对地球生态环境曰益恶化的现实,任何一个有良知的人都会明白:保护环境,拯救地球,是我们人类共同的责任。
《义务教育课程标准实验教科书?牛津小学英语》6BUnit5The seasons PartA (第二课时)
 1.学习A部分,学生会读countryside, snowman
 2.能正确地听、说、读、写spring, summer, autumn, winter
 3.能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型:What's the weather like...? Which season do you like best? I like...Why? Because it's ... I can...
2.拓展句型Which season do you like best? I like...Why? Because it's ... I can...
2.了解be going to时态。
Step1. Free talk
1        T: Look, its dirty in our classroom, who is on duty today? Please keep clean everyday. Lets throw refuse far away!
2        Have a free talk.
T: Boys and girls, what day is it today?    S: It’s…
T: What’s the date today?                   S: It’s…
T: What’s the weather like today?          S: It’s…
T: Which season is it now?             S: It’s…
Step2. Lead-in
1.学习warm, sunny, rainy, windy
T: How many seasons are there in a year?
Ss: Four.
T: What are they?     
S: They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
T: We haven't had such a severe winter for so long, have we? And if we dont   protect the environment against pollution, we wont have chance to enjoy snow-covered landscape, and also we dont have chance to skiing, because of the global warming(我们很久没有过如此寒冷的冬天了,不是吗?如果我们不保护环境,我们就没有机会欣赏雪景,也没有机会去滑雪,因为全球变暖)。
2T: I live in XX town too. But my parents live in the countryside. Do you know the countryside? Lets see it. (课件呈现图片) Is it beautiful? Do you know something more about the countryside? Lets learn something about the weather in the countryside.(课件呈现乡村的四季图片)
3T: Look at the picture, which season is it now?
 Ss: It’s …….
T: What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter?
Ss: It’s ….
4T : I like winter best. Because its cold, I can make snowman.
Teach “snowman”
Step3. Presentation and practice
1T: Is this a countryside too? (课件出示纽约市的图片)
Ss: No, it’s a city.
T: Yes, it’s New York, it’s a beautiful city. Su Yang’s dad is going to work there.
T: (出示不文明行为视频:公共场所抽烟, 乱扔垃圾, 随意践踏草坪)
No smoking 禁止吸烟No littering禁止扔杂物Keep off the grass. 不践踏草坪  
T: We should take good care of our earth. 我们要爱护我们的地球。
Environment protection calls for everyones effort. 保护环境,从我做起。
2Listen to the foreword of the text and answer the questions:
Who is going to go to New York next week?
How long is he going to stay there?
3Present the foreword
Listen to the tape and read after it, then present the sentence structure “be going to”.
T: Now lets look at the sentence structure be going to. It means “将要”. Lets make some sentences with this sentence structure. For example,
我下周将要去北京。I am going to go to Beijing next week.
他明天将要去乡下。He is going to go to the countryside tomorrow.
我们下周六要去野营。We are going to go camping next Saturday.
4Present the text
T: Lets go on. Su Yang is asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York. Lets listen to the tape again and fill in the blank.
In summer, it’s usually very (   ).
In autumn, it’s (   ) and usually (   ).
It often (   ) there in spring.
It’s very (   ) there in winter.
Ask and answer
T: What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter in New York?
Ss: It’s warm in spring. It rains a lot in spring. …..
Step 4 Consolidation
1 Look, read and judge
The weather in New York is as hot as in Nanjing in summer. (T)
Autumn is the best season in New York. (T)
People like to go to the farms in the countryside to pick apples in spring. (F)
There is a little rain in spring in New York. (F)
Ben likes winter best because he can make snowmen with his parents. (T)
2T: Which season do you like best(出示春夏秋冬四幅图,同时出示板书Which season do you like bestI likebest.)
S: I like summer best.
T: Why? (出示捉昆虫图,同时出示板书Because its  I can )
S1: Because it’s sunny. I can catch insects.
S2: Because it’s hot. I can have a long holiday.
T: Yes, it’s a summer vacation.
S3: Because I can get up late. I don’t go to school.
T: Don’t get up too late, OK ?
Say something about the weather in your dream hometown.
Step 5 Homework
1. Copy the new words
2. Write down your dialogue between Su Yang and her dad.
3. Make some slogans of environment protection.
1.课前培养学生的环保意识。当我看到教室的垃圾,我会请值日生捡起,然后告诉同学们“世博会的口号是Better city! Better life!只有我们大家都积极参与环保,我们的城市才会变的美丽,我们的生活才会越来越好。让垃圾远离我们吧!Lets throw refuse far away! 这样学生会渐渐认识到参与环保,应从身边的一点一滴小事做起,从自觉捡起身边的垃圾做起。
3.英语课外活动作为课堂教学的辅助形式,是课堂教学的延伸,提供一个生动有趣、形式多样的语言环境,让学生学以致用,既增强了学习英语的兴趣,又培养了学生的环保意识。如今年的校园英语节中,我们带领学生结合所学的书本知识制作英语的环保标语:Keep clean!(保持清洁!)One Earth, one family!(只有一个地球-我们的家园)Green fashion, green civilization(绿色时尚,绿色文明)Love earth, love life!(爱地球,爱生活)Water conservation.(节约水资源)Dont harm the flowers!(勿摘花!) Dont throw paper!(不要乱扔纸屑!)Love the trees!(关爱小树!)等等英语标语。使学生在制作标语的同时学习与应用英语,同时也教育他们要爱护我们生活、学习的环境、保护生态。

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