周燕芬教研公开课跟上兔子绘本Home is best教案及评议表
发布时间:2019年11月02日   点击:   来源:原创   录入者:缪小燕


1. 能够理解故事,并能流利的朗读故事。

2. 能够学会阅读,掌握阅读技巧。

3. 能够了解家的美好,感受家的温暖。


1. 能够流利的朗读故事。

2. 能够学会阅读,掌握阅读技巧。




Warming up 热身活动

SingaSong <Animals on the farm>

Step2Read the cover 观察封面,引出故事


QWhat can you see from the cover

S: I can see ...

A house and a parrot. (板书贴两个图片)带读这两个词。

We call him Mr Parrot.

The story is about ...

T: Today Ill tell you the story.

Step3.Do you have any questions about this story?
Step4 Read for main idea快速阅读,理解故事大意

How do we divide the story into three parts?

Part 1Leaving the old house离开旧家

Part 2Looking for a new house 寻找新家

Part 3Going back to the old house回到旧家

Step3 Read for details细读课文,抓住细节

Part 1Listen and answer.听并回答。

1. After you listen to the story, you need to tell me...

Q: How is the house? Whose house is it?

2. Answer the questions:

Q1How is the house  A. Big  B. Little C. New  D. Old

So it is a little old house.

Q2: Whose house is it?

Mr Parrots house.

Is Mr Parrot happy?

S: No, he is not happy. Why?

S: He does not like his little old house.

3. Can you try to act Mr Parrot? 注意Mr Parrot的心情哦!

I'm not_____happy_______.

I don't like____my little old house_____. (一个学生扮演)

T: So what does he do? Can you fill in the blanks?

B. He leaves(离开)his old house to look for(寻找)a new one. 教授leave

③一人扮演Mr Parrot,其他人扮演旁白。注意 Mr Parrot的心情哦!(两人扮演)

Part 2

1. T: Good. Mr Parrot is looking for a new house.

Q: How many places does Mr Parrot find?

15秒快速浏览P6-18,数一数Mr Parrot找到了几个新地方,并和同桌分享你的答案。(20 seconds

S: Seven.

T: Is he/she right?

Yes, Mr Parrot finds seven new places.

2.Make a Map of Finding Houses制 作 一 张 寻 屋 图

2.按照书中Mr Parrot的寻屋顺序将信封里的图片排序。


3.Read  match and report为图片找到相应的句子,6人一组进行汇报,最后一个地方一起读。

4.TDoes Mr Parrotmove in these places?他搬进这些地方了吗?

Read and write写一写,6人一组进行汇报

The place is nice.


Poor Parrot.


Part 3

1.T: Till now, does Mr Parrot find a new house?   Ss: No.

   T: How is Mr Parrot now?

Mr Parrot is __________

Ss: He is tired and hungry. ...

T: He is so tired that he cannot fly well. He bumps into something.

Q: What doessomethingpoint to?

Ss: Mr Parrots old house.

Q: How does the old house look now? 仔细观察P20的图。

Ss: Warm, nice, comfortable, bright ...

T: Lets compare these two pictures. P4&P20

It is the same house. At first, Mr Parrot thinks it is little and old, he does not like it. But now, he thinks the house looks ____________

指着板书,学生一起说warm and nice.

Q: Why?    Ss: ...

T:East or west, home is best. 齐读。

2. Listen and repeat. 教师带读或者跟录音读。

Step4 Act the story 表演故事






Step5 The end 情感升华


Everyone has a home.

Mum, dad and you make up a home.

You love each other very much.

When you are happy, they are happy too. You smile happily together.

When you are sad, they always give you a warm hug.

When you meet some difficulties, they encourage you. They tell you dont give up, you can do it.

It is your home, a place you dont want to leave.

All of us live in a big home too. China is our big home.

Love our home, love China, No matter where you are.

East or west, home is best.

























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