五下Unit 5 Helping our parents
发布时间:2017年04月20日   点击:   来源:原创   录入者:梁伊丽

Unit 5 Helping our parents

1课时Story time


1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:parent, clean, cook, sweep, busy, wash .

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What are you doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答

3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。

4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做什么。






Step 1 warming up


2Free talk

What day is it todayWhat day is it tomorrow? Do you like SaturdaysWhyDo you often help your parents do housework?(揭题)


When do you often help them?What housework can you do ?

3、Play a game

Learn: sweep the floor ,clean the table,clean the car

4、Look and say

What is he/she doing?

What are they doing?

Step2 A new story

1Our old friend

Mike is our old friend. What do you know about him?

Watch and choose

What is he going to tell us?

Is he going to tell us their hobbies, family life?

2Watch and judge(in the morning).

3Look and retell.

4Watch and choose(in the afternoon)          

5Read the story.

6Retell the whole story.

7Look, ask and answer.

8Fill in the blanks.

Step3 My diary

1、Read Mike’s diary.

2、Finish your diary.

3、Show your diary.

Step4 Helping our parents

T: Family is very important for every one. We should help each other.

To help our parents, what can we do?


Step4 Homework

1、Read the story after the tape three times.

2、Go on talking about your diary with your classmates.

3、Help your parents do some housework.


教后反思:通过让学生画了My diary,他们的学习积极性一下子又提高了不少,尤其是个别学生如曹浩浩等,平时成绩不太理想,但这次上课他非常积极地参与到课堂里,奚博文用心画了这篇特殊的日记,图画也很精致。所以,我们教师对于学生的评价不能只停留在成绩层面上,应该对学生多元化评价,本次课堂充分利用了这点!



    主办单位:常州市武进区芙蓉小学 苏ICP备05086717号-1
    学校地址:武进横山桥镇芙蓉湖山路37号 电子邮件:wjfrxx@163.com
    技术支持:常州市教育科学研究院、常州万兆网络科技有限公司 访问统计