Project2 My important days
发布时间:2018年06月28日   点击:   来源:原创   录入者:缪小燕

Project2 My important days   

芙蓉小学  张燕

Step1. Warm up

  1. Greetings

  2. Enjoy the pictures about my days

  3. Lead in the title: My important days

    Teach: important

Step2. Presentation

  1. Do you want to read my whole days? You can visit my QQ zone or we chat.

  2. What’s your important days?

    Festivals and birthday

    Look at this picture.Its about Cocos birthday.Do you know whens her birthday?

    She usually has a big dinner with her family,sometimes she has a birthday party with her friends.

    What about you?Lets talk in groups. Before talking, can you tell me what can you ask?

    Whens your birthday? What do you usually do on your birthday?

    Ask and answer in pairs and take a note like this.

    Share your notes :Now, who can tell us something about your friends birthday?

  3. Next, lets see what festival do you remember?

       Lets take a note about your favourite festival. What can you ask?

       Whats your favourite festival?Whens...? What do you usually do at this festival?

       Share your note.

  4. Now,you know your friends birthday and favourite festival. Do you remember some days about your father/mother/teachers? Whens your mothers birthday?Whens Mothers Day? Whens your fathers birthday? Whens Fathers Day?

       Bobby knows Mothers Day, he gives some presents to his mum with Tina. Lets review the story and try to answer me: If you are Bobby, what will you do for your father?

    Today, Ill show you a picture book.

    First lets look at the cover. What can you see on the cover? What does Dad look like?

    What does all right mean? Lets read and see.

    Why is Dad all right? From the pictures, we can see Dad is brave.He protect me. He makes me safe.

    Lookwho is in the picture? Why is he Dad?

    Dad is cool and nice.

    We can talk about our fathers, we can say like this: My Dad is as ... as ...

  5. Read the whole story.

       What do you think of this Dad? Do you love this Dad?

    Step3. Consolidation

    1. Today is the fifteenth of June. What festival is coming? What do you want to do for your father? I have a paper card for you, you can share it with your father.

    2. This Sunday is Fathers Day. Next Monday is Dargon Boat Festival. Wish you have a good time with your family.

    Step4. Homework

    1. Share the story 'My Dad' to your family

    2. Give wishes and presents to your dad

    3. Complete your important days on the book









    主办单位:常州市武进区芙蓉小学 苏ICP备05086717号-1
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